Youth Sheep Expo
The Youth Sheep Expo was created in response to the COVID-19 pandemic during 2020. Many county 4-H fairs, state fairs, and national junior shows were cancelled due to the outbreak. This stopped our youth from exhibiting and promoting the seedstock that they had spent countless hours, dollars, and time on. Our show committee was passionate about our youth in the sheep industry and felt it was vital to offer these kids the opportunity to exhibit their sheep. We are excited to be continuing the show in 2024 for our fifth year in Greenfield, Indiana at the Hancock County Fairgrounds.
Hope you will be able to join us

All registration will be done online. Link will be on the website when entries open. Entries will open MAY 1ST
Fees will be -
May 1 - July 9, 2024
$15 per head
$30 per pen if you want pens. If pen is properly cleaned out at conclusion of show, exhibitor will receive a $10 refund
July 10 - 28, 2024
$25 per head
$30 per pen if you want pens. If pen is properly cleaned out at conclusion of show, exhibitor will receive a $10 refund
The number of pens you will get will be what you pay for this year.
YSE Scholarships
We will be awarding two $750 scholarships at this year's YSE. If you have just graduated or in college or trade school, you are eligible to apply. Check the application for details.
2023 Judges
YSE is excited to welcome our 2024 Breeding Judges - Mike Stitzlein, OH and Luke Benjamin, IL and Market Lamb Judge - Cruz Nichols, IL.
Luke Benjamin is 31 years old from Wilmington Illinois. He currently runs Benjamin
Livestock with his brother where they buy and sell all classes of livestock. Him and his
family raise Montadale and Hampshire sheep.
Cruz and Sarah Nichols, along with their daughters Harper & Hadley, own and operate Nichols Sheep Farm in Jerseyville, IL where they raise Polled Dorsets, Oxfords, Babydoll Southdowns and club lambs.
Aside from raising sheep, Cruz farms with his in-laws raising corn, soybeans, and Shorthorn cattle. Cruz enjoys judging and working with juniors when given the opportunity and has been able to judge numerous shows within the last few years. He judged at YSE in the breeding sheep show in 2021.
Mike is from Ashland Ohio. He is a farmer and raises Suffolk, Hampshire and Crossbred sheep. Mike graduated from Ohio State University with a Batchelor's of Animal Science. He is also the Past President of the Ohio Sheep Improvement Association and a member of the Ohio State University Animal Science Hall of Fame.

There are 20 on-site camping spaces available for purchase for the event.
Holiday Inn Express & Suites $139 plus tax. Rate is good until 6/24/24
321 Barrett Dr., Greenfield
(317) 318-9859 and ask for the Youth Sheep Expo
$139.00/night - 10 Double Queens and 10 Kings available
$109 plus tax. Rate is good until 6/23/24
334 Barrett Dr, Greenfield, IN
(317) 967-7954 and ask for the Youth Sheep Expo
There is also Fairfield Inn, Comfort Inn, Country Inn, Hampton and Quality Inn in Greenfield. We do not have a block for the five listed.
Our show is made possible by our sponsors! YSE is extremely thankful for the support we have received.
If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please see the attached form or reach out to us.

Vendor Market
We will have a variety of vendors available throughout the show.
If you are interested in having a booth in our vendor market, please see the attached form and return it by
July 15th, 2023.